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Who We Are

Connection is a gathering of diverse, unique people that are unified through the Good News of Jesus Christ and the love He gives. We agree that our very “being” is defined and strengthened by the grace Jesus extends to us through His Salvation. It is that love and grace that fuels us to love our neighbors and our community.

Our Mission

Connecting with God, each other, and our community.

Our Vision

To provide a safe atmosphere for people to experience the love of God, extending hope to hurting people through our transparency as a means to build an authentic community.”

Leaders amonst Equals

Our Leadership Structure

We believe that church leadership is vital for every congregational body. Connection’s approach to leadership can be described as “leaders amongst equals”. All people are called by God to be ministers of the Good News and some are called out to be leaders within each body. These leaders are called out by the church body and appointed by our spiritual oversight team – Alliance International Ministries. This does not mean one “call” is of greater worth than another – we are all equal.

Core Values

Our community is built on the following core values. Our hope is that everything we do and say will manifest these values as we strive to be unified in our fellowship and service to each other and our community. 


The God that we worship models community. He exists in a community of three. Any examination of the early church in the book of Acts finds it existing, growing, and thriving in community. When the church was birthed in Acts 2, it existed as a group of people devoting themselves to the truth of the apostles, experiencing life together, eating together, and praying together. That dynamic community of believers who share life together is the church. This community was on mission together through serving the world around them. They met in homes together and then deployed daily as missionaries. God added to this community daily those who were being saved. Connection Church values community. We believe that truth is digested in community. We believe that mission happens in community. We also believe that the journey of transformation to which God has called every Christ- follower, happens in community.


By living in love, we will grow closer to God and each other. We believe that love is an action word that manifests itself through integrity, loyalty, honor, forgiveness, compassion, and respect. It is the heart of our core and the value that supports all that we are and all that we do. We love God, others, and ourselves. We are committed to the reconciliation of relationships among all people. Within the local church, loving relationships produce unity and accountability–including loving discipline– and are a powerful demonstration of God’s presence among His people. (Luke 10:27; John 13:35; 2 Peter 1:5-7)


Our journeys are deepened through the loving and supportive relationships we form with one another. Knowing that we belong, questions about faith can be lived into safely, passionately, and in the trusted company of fellow believers. We don’t expect people to be perfect –Connection is a church for people who don’t have it all together. We are a church for people who want to grow. We are a church for people who are hurting and are willing to admit it. Connection is a church for real people who face real problems. We don’t expect unbelievers to act like believers until they are. We offer acceptance of people without being judgmental of them. (Romans 15:7; Luke 6:42; Romans 14:1-4; Matthew 10:40)


We believe that the Father is seeking worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and truth, and these are the type of worshipers we want to be. Becoming worshipers corporately and individually means that as we are continually transformed into the likeness, we respond by reflecting God’s Glory. As image-bearers recreated as sons of God, the only appropriate response is grateful worship of who God is and what he has done for us in Jesus. We want the worship of God to characterize our services and our lifestyles. (Ephesians 1:11-14; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Psalm 33:1; Psalm 150)


By Jesus’ reconciling us to himself, by taking on our sin and not counting our sins against us as we deserved, he gave to the church the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-21). We share this gospel of reconciliation by pointing others to this same forgiveness and reconciliation with Christ, by demonstrating this same spirit of forgiveness, not harboring bitterness and resentment in our hearts toward others. Jesus put to death the enmity that exists between male and female, Jew and Greek, slave and free through his body so that we might be one (Ephesians 2:14-21).


God is our healer. All healing comes from Him. The healing ministry of Jesus is to the whole person, which includes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. We are to be channels of God’s healing power through prayer for the sick and the ministry of deliverance to those held in bondage by the enemy. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb. 13:8).