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Blog and Updates

The purpose of this Blog Section is to share the testimonies, prayers, and revelations of our church body to our greater community. We believe that God speaks to and through every individual that calls Him Savior. We offer this space to those that want to share God’s Good News.

Note: This is not a place for political or social commentary or critique, but a place to lift up what God is doing in His people and His Kingdom.

Connection Church

With God

For the past three months, I have taken time to really rest in God. For the majority of my life, I’ve been in church, but as I’ve grown older, I’ve realized I’ve rarely been experiencing God.

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Connection Church

Camp Takeaways

Currently driving home from family camp. The kids are quiet, Adam is focused on the most efficient way home and some Dixie Chicks are playing. I’m thinking about this weekend and decided to share some thoughts from my first family camp experience.

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Connection Church

Just Breathe

Our church is preparing for our first church camp at the end of this month. As preparations for camp began, I found myself struggling with my place in all of the planning. I felt as if there should be a set theme or intention behind the weekend.

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Connection Church

Sunday Gatherings at Connection Church

For over a year now, Connection Church has been gathering differently on Sunday mornings. It’s not a new idea, but it is a different approach to the typical Sunday morning service. We want to share why we made this change and offer an invitation to those that have been looking for a faith community like ours.

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