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Camp Takeaways

by Christina McKone

Currently driving home from family camp. The kids are quiet, Adam is focused on the most efficient way home and some Dixie Chicks are playing. I’m thinking about this weekend and decided to share some thoughts from my first family camp experience.

So, to me, family camp was excellent in many different ways. So many deepened friendships, there were lots of laughs, there were also some tears, but healthy tears within a safe space.

What my takeaway has been is that:

  1. Nothing beats being in fellowship where you can be your true authentic self,
  2. Where individuality is not only accepted but encouraged. We are all pieces in this puzzle called life. When I consider mankind, I realize we are (all) Gods “final touch” to his great masterpiece. No matter where you come from, you matter, and you have something to offer that another needs.
  3. Solitude is not isolation. Isolation is a behavior to separate for the purpose of self-preservation that tends to lead to loneliness, but solitude is a set time used to separate from life’s distractions to reconnect with the father. We all need solitude and should practice it.
  4.  Solitude looks different for everyone. taking a walk in the woods and prayer journaling is what mine looks like. It’s Fellowship with God and plugging back into your power source to strengthen and recharge. One of its purposes is to give me the ability to reconnect with my community. It also creates space for vulnerability.

My alone time with God was beautiful, exposing and sprinkled with growth and grace. I’m excited for new understanding and look forward to my own personal pruning and growth. And lastly: We are called to relationship with the father, to love, and have authentic fellowship within community.

I’m thankful I had the privilege to be a part of this weekend. And if you don’t have a community and are in a place of isolation, or just lonely, message me! God loves you and so do I!

Photo credit: Maddie! Thanks for sharing so many awesome pics!

Connection Church

Camp Takeaways

Currently driving home from family camp. The kids are quiet, Adam is focused on the most efficient way home and

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Connection Church

Just Breathe

Our church is preparing for our first church camp at the end of this month. As preparations for camp began,

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