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Talents  |  Time  |  Treasure

What we believe about giving

We believe that giving is a form of worship to God. Giving being a part of our worship is expanded upon in 2 Corinthians 8-9 as the apostle Paul makes the following points:

  1. Those who follow Jesus should excel in the grace of giving.
  2. Giving is an expression of the love one has for Jesus.
  3. God loves willing and cheerful givers.
  4. A willingness to be generous in giving is more important than the amount given.
  5. Our giving will result in praise and thanksgiving to God.
  6. Our giving should be a natural response to God’s gracious gift to mankind.

How to give

Give Your Talents

God has created you with unique gifts and abilities to bless the church. Ephesians 4:12 tells us our gifts are "to Equip the saints" and "Build up the body of Christ."

Give Your Time

Keeping a church healthy and vibrant requires a team effort. By giving your time as a volunteer, you help make the church better. Contact us to find out where you can serve.

Give Your Treasure

Financial giving helps us meet the needs of the poor, maintain our property, and provide quality teaching and staffing. To make a financial gift to Connection Church, click the give button. 

Online Giving

You can give in person or online. To give online, use the button below and log in to your account with Tithley, our secure online giving portal. If you do not already have a Tithley account, you can create one in just a few minutes. 

For questions regarding online giving and financial oversight at Connection Church, contact our office at (989) 666-3411.