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Small Groups

Connect with a small group

Find connection in a small group

Our vision at Connection Church is: “To provide a safe atmosphere for people to experience the love of God, extending hope to hurting people through our transparency as a means to build an authentic community.”

We believe that building an authentic community starts with providing safe atmospheres and living transparent lives. Our small group gatherings are meant to build relationships of trust and transparency that lead to effective discipleship. Learning more about Jesus while building life-long friendships is the purpose of all our small group gatherings.

From meeting in each other’s homes to a local coffee shop, we encourage regular and “pop-up” small groups throughout the week.

Currently, our Life Group meets every Friday night.

Life Group

Life Group is an ongoing small group that takes place every Friday evening at 7:00 pm. We eat dinner together, watch a video lesson, and have a discussion afterward.

From October to May, the Life Group meets at the home of Josh and Sara Adams: 2872 N M-52, Owosso, MI. Life Group meets at our main gathering location from June to September: 118 S Washington St, Owosso, MI.

Other small group studies such as Emotionally Healthy Discipleship and Spiritual Warfare, are occasionally offered throughout each year.

The online Connection event calendar will have additional small group opportunities listed as they develop.

Small Group Guidelines

Source: Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, by Peter Scazzero

Come Prepared

To get the most out of our time together, complete the reading assignment (if there is one) prior to our meeting. Also bring your book with you to each meeting.

Create Safety and Maintain Confidentiality

Sharing is optional, not required. Devote your full attention to each person who speaks. Be sensitive, kind, and generous to one another with your comments. Honor one another by maintaining confidentiality. Anything shared within the group should not be repeated outside the group.

Speak for Yourself

Limit your sharing to your own experiences by using "I statements. For example, "I feel angry when he does that," rather than, "He makes me angry. Making "I" statements is a way to take responsibility for thoughts and emotions rather than attributing them to someone else.

Refrain from Dominating Discussions

Be brief in your sharing so that everyone has an opportunity to speak.

Turn to Wonder

If you feel judgmental or defensive when someone else is sharing, turn those feelings to wonder instead. Ask yourself, I wonder what brought her to this belief. I wonder what he is feeling right now. I wonder what my reaction teaches me about myself.

Welcome Silence

Attentive listening includes silence. If that happens, refrain from rushing in with comments. Use any silence as an opportunity to continue listening to what was just said, to your own heart, and to the Holy Spirit.

Just Say No to Fixing, Saving, and Setting Other People Straight

Respect each person's journey and trust the Holy Spirit to prompt and lead each person differently and at a different pace. Focus on providing support and acceptance rather than instruction, accountability, or correction. This applies at all times within the meeting and beyond the meeting.