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With God

by Tori Young

It is finally September! It is time for football, Gilmore girls, and the fall menu at Foster Coffee, Co. My house is already adorned in leaves and Halloween decor, perfect for what I call “soup season”. But for the first time in my life, I’m a little sad to see summer go.

For the past three months, I have taken time to really rest in God. For the majority of my life, I’ve been in church, but as I’ve grown older, I’ve realized I’ve rarely been experiencing God. I was in a thriving youth group that provided a small dose of trauma, a handful of lifelong friendships, and a healthy knowledge of God. I’ve been a devoted member of a couple different churches where I’ve been hurt, healed, and refined. I’ve served on worship teams, read my Bible, attended services, and served. The one thing I hadn’t really experienced was rest.

I’m an avid reader, and so I picked up a couple different books on the subject of rest. One being a John Mark Comer book called “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry”. This book focused on slowing down and taking a sabbath. So this summer, my family took one day a week and we rested. That practice alone started setting up our week for success. We read, walked, watched movies, played outside, grilled out, and enjoyed each other without any schedule or plan. It was wonderful.

Another book I read was called “With” by Skye Jethani. In the book, he explains 4 different postures of living:

  • Life Under God (sinner posture): afraid of God’s wrath and punishment
  • Life Over God (manager posture): whose fate rests upon how well they implement God’s will.
  • Life From God (consumer posture): demands God, things, people all fulfill their own expectations.
  • Life For God (servant posture): sent to fulfill a great mission and whose value rests on what they accomplish for God.

The book explains in great detail how all of these postures allow people to dampen their own fears by trying to exert control. And just as the book said, I have been living within each of these postures at one time or another. The only way to combat this is to live “with” God.

Both of these books had changed my perspective of my own walk with God in such a short amount of time. I’ve operated within my belief system for so long, that I had not recognized many of my foundational truths were falsehoods about myself, others, and God. Throughout my walk, I had gained knowledge about God, without experiencing God. I was doing the work without the rest. No wonder I was burned out. I had religion and no relationship. So resting with God became my summer.

As I took the time to rest with God, God worked on me. There were wounds in my life I had been unable to heal through religion that are healing now within my closer relationship with God. I discovered deeper parts of my identity. I learned to surrender control. I learned to rest. I have and am experiencing God.

I’m sad summer is ending, but I know this is only a jumping off point. I’ve only scratched the surface of experiencing God. I look forward to the future. It has been a journey, and I am excited for whatever the new season brings.

Connection Church

With God

For the past three months, I have taken time to really rest in God. For the majority of my life, I’ve been in church, but as I’ve grown older, I’ve realized I’ve rarely been experiencing God.

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Connection Church

Camp Takeaways

Currently driving home from family camp. The kids are quiet, Adam is focused on the most efficient way home and some Dixie Chicks are playing. I’m thinking about this weekend and decided to share some thoughts from my first family camp experience.

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